Harsingar commanly know as Paarijat or Night Jasmine native of South East Asia with Lot of Medicinal Properties.
English Name : Night Jasmine. Gujrati Name : Harshanghar. Punjabi Name : Kuri Sanskrit Name : Parijat, Rajanikasa. Urdu Name : Harshighar
Benefits of Harsinghar or Parijat.
1. Harsingar or Parijat is anti Inflammatory, Anti Bacterial, Laxative, Immuno Stimulant.
2. Harsingar or Parijat is god anti Oxidant to reduce Oxidative damage.
3. Helpful in Asthama to Reduce Symptoms.
4. Enhance Immunity and Reduce Pain in arthritis.
5. Its Laeves Paste Helpful in Skin Problems.
6. Decoction of Harsingar helpful in gout.
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